Love Stories

Hey there, remember how I’ve always dreamt of becoming a destination wedding photographer? Well, guess what? Last November, I got an incredible opportunity to take a huge step towards making that dream a reality. I hopped on a plane and traveled all the way to Marrakech, Morocco for a wedding workshop with Divine Day Photography. And let me just say, it was every bit as amazing as I had imagined!

The workshop was held at the gorgeous Hotel Les Deux Tours, a stunning oasis tucked away in the heart of Marrakech. Can you picture it? Lush gardens, beautiful architecture, and an atmosphere that just screams “whimsical adventure.” It was the perfect setting for a photography workshop that promised to be full of colorful stories.

Inspiration, Styled Shoot, Travel, Wedding

Moroccan Oasis Wedding

Fine Art Wedding Photography

In May 2022, my parents and I planned a roadtrip to see as much of Iceland as we could in 4 Days. This is what we saw!


Road Trip around Iceland in 4 Days | Iceland 2022

Photoshoot Professional Photographer

In May 2022, my parents and I planned a roadtrip to see as much of Iceland as we could in 4 Days. This is what we saw!


Road Trip around Iceland in 4 Days | Iceland 2022

Photoshoot Professional Photographer

Don't worry, I won't hound you with emails! Enjoy this free guide on how to prepare for your photos on your big day.



Freebie alert

Almost there!

Don't worry, I won't hound you with emails! I'll just keep you up to date with my latest travels, weddings, and tips.